Our job of tour guide !
GRENAT, born in 2002, is the only professional organization federating the guides working in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.
All our guides are holders of an official professional license and speak several foreign languages.
Our main goal is to promote our job and our savoir-faire.
Our association acts in the best interests of our profession and works for the recognition of our qualification.
The job of a guide
Licensed guide, a real job
A licensed guide is a pro in charge of conducting guided tours and doing lectures in determined areas and historical sites, and acts in promoting the French cultural heritage.
Our profession is a strictly controlled one. Only holders of the professional card delivered by les Ministères du Tourisme et de la Culture are allowed to conduct guided tours in official cultural institutions like “musées nationaux” (national museums) or “monuments historiques” (national monument).
The official professional card is delivered after a challenging university curriculum.
A competent licenced guide has a good general knowledge, a deep expertise in history, art history, ethnography, economy and geography. He knows all about the area in which he works.
Flexible and capable of answering any kind of demands, a licensed guide is able to speak fluently several foreign languages and give you some good tips on your stay.
Association professionnellE des guideS-conférenciers en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Looking for a licensed guide ?...
We are not a travel agency but we take care of maintaining a permanent contact between our members, the main tourist, cultural agents and individuals.
Use our professional directory and contact directly our guides, according to your choices (language, region…)
Send us your questions and we’ll forward them to our members.
Le Puy-en-Velay
Notre actualité
Contact us
c/o Maison des passages - 44, rue Saint Georges - 69005 Lyon
Si vous avez une question précise n'oubliez pas de consulter notre foire aux questions. La réponse s'y trouve peut-être...